Our planed Tuesday jobs
We have a lot of the house keeping jobs that we do Tuesdays.
Mow greens, 2 hours
Rough, 8-12 hours left
Surrounds usually have, 1-2 hours left
Hand water during the growing season, 3-5 hours
Moles, 2-3 hours depending on how bad they are
Sand and seed, 1-2 hours
Bunkers, if not done the day before 2 hours
If the club house is growing at a fast rate then we will mow on Tuesdays and Thursdays which takes 2 people 2-4 hours depending on weed eating since we do it once a week only.
We also use Tuesdays to weed eat around tee's and flower beds. When we have time we will go out and hit around trees as well. This year we will have distance markers on the heads and they will need to be cut around multiple times during the season. When we go out and cut around sprinklers it can take three people 8 hours easy.